The Sukie Gallery in Beijing hosted a forum on Dec 26, exploring the concept of contemporary literati aesthetics through the prism of artist Shen Xiaotong's recent practice.
In 2024, China's tourism industry saw remarkable developments that captured global attention and drove unprecedented growth.
The discovery of a new cemetery has shed light on the existence of an "elite" group of people at the foot of the western Taihang Mountains during the transitional period between the Xia (c. 21st century-16th century BC) and Shang (c. 16th century-11th century BC) dynasties in close communication with China's Central Plains, archaeologists said at a news conference in Beijing last week.
Three newly organized bamboo manuscripts reveal details of governance in early Western Zhou Dynasty, Yang Yang reports.
The Macbeth-inspired immersive theater experience Sleep No More celebrated its 8th anniversary in Shanghai in December. The Shanghai version, jointly created by SMG Live and the UK theater company Punchdrunk, has shattered records and boosted the development of immersive entertainment in China.
Zhang Daqian (1899-1983) is one of the most popular Chinese artists of all time and is also internationally renowned. His works are displayed in museums and galleries around the world. He traveled and lived extensively — from China and Europe to Brazil and the United States, making him highly regarded as a skilled and consummate painter of various styles.
The Beijing premiere of The Kylin Purse (Suo Lin Nang), a production within the Peking Opera Film Project, was unveiled at the China National Film Museum on Dec 27.
The National Ballet of China announced the name of its new principal dancer during the gala marking the troupe's 65th anniversary in Beijing on Dec 30.
Foreign writers embrace adaptation, translation to boost viewer numbers and success, Mei Jia reports.
When How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies, a heartfelt Thai film about family bonds, grossed over 100 million yuan ($14 million) on the Chinese mainland this summer, it became more than just a box-office success.
Once Upon a Bite's new season traces evolution of little seeds and plants that enhance global cuisine, Li Yingxue discovers.
Murder mystery provides backdrop to compelling plot of family, friendship and duty, Chen Nan reports.