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Establishment marks chapter of success

2023-12-22 08:46

The Writers Publishing House recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of its founding.

Brought to heel

2023-12-22 08:13

For decades, the stiletto heel was, to many women, a symbol of feminine charm, high social status and success.

Different strokes

2023-12-22 08:06

The landscapes and the lively scenes of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, a fine-tuned combination of the natural and man-made, traditional and modern, have provided a group of foreign artists lavish material for thinking and creating.

Photographer Lahem scoops Jimei x Arles Discovery Award

2023-12-21 15:26

Photographer Luo Xin, better known by his artistic moniker Lahem, was presented the Discovery Award on Sunday at the 9th Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province.

Tradition scales height of daring

2023-12-21 15:21

High above the ground at the Silk Road International Ski Resort in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, cables stretched across the snow-covered slope, carrying not only cable cars with skiers onboard, but also two performers.

New roles of education, art and design inspire discussions at Tsinghua forum

2023-12-21 12:24

More than 40 luminous figures from the academic and education circles and industries around the world engaged in the discussions with personalities from home colleges at the Tsinghua International Conference on Art and Design Education, from Dec 15-17.

Spirit of horses on grassland shown in Mongolian art exhibition

2023-12-21 12:17

An exhibition is being held at the National Art Museum of China showing artworks and photos which depict the landscapes and social lives of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and how people living in the region strive to develop the land with the same high spirit as that of horses, the loyal domesticated helper and companion on the extensive grassland.

Social media stars get all revved up over Macao

2023-12-21 09:12

At the Macao Grand Prix Museum, Patrick Koellmer, a German well-known on Chinese social media, immersed himself in the VR experience of road racing.

Nation's tiger preservation efforts appear to be a roaring success story

2023-12-21 09:09

The zoology community is torn on why Africa has no tigers.

A growing friendship

2023-12-21 08:42

Two of the first few things about Nicaraguan Claudio Frixione that amaze his Chinese contacts are his birthplace and school.

Blockbusters dominate domestic film market, report finds

2023-12-21 08:35

Approaching the end of 2023, China's film market has seen a polarized box-office ratio, with more than half of ticket revenues generated by the 10 highest-grossing blockbusters, according to a report released by Tencent News in Beijing on Dec 14.

Artist paints a picture of his times

2023-12-21 08:01

Yu Ding, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, recalls his first task after enrolling to study art history at the academy decades ago — he was assigned to interview Wei Qimei, an oil painter and professor of prominence at the school.

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