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As winter sets in, the heart grows warmer

2023-12-26 09:07

Hearing warnings of a cold front and blustery snowfall does not get this Minnesota native excited or nervous.

A display of unity where love for dance is vital

2023-12-26 08:52

With inclusiveness at its core, Beijing Body On&On Cultural Exchange Center has been hosting the annual Luminous Festival, in tandem with the UK-China Disability Arts Forum.

Charm of writing has growing appeal as a way to find inner peace

2023-12-26 08:45

Before indulging herself in the enjoyment of writing Chinese calligraphy for hours on the weekends, Ma Huiyan makes a pot of tea using an exquisite tea set and burns some incense, a ritual the calligraphy lover says she needs to "create a perfect experience of spiritual enjoyment after a busy week of work".

A creative spirit that conquers challenges

2023-12-26 08:16

Last year, video blogger and wheelchair user Zhao Hongcheng spoke at the UK-China Disability Arts Forum, sharing her everyday life experience and reviewing barrier-free facilities at public places, including the metro, sightseeing spots and theaters.

A brush with history

2023-12-26 08:00

When Zhuo Heng entered a showroom of the National Art Museum of China one day in late November, she was startled by the bustling scene of visitors viewing the calligraphy scrolls.

Burger menu gets added bite

2023-12-25 16:31

After clinching the championship at the Juicy Burger Cup 2023 last month, Q Mex Bar & Grill in Beijing has unveiled an exclusive burger menu of champions, featuring six distinctive options, each boasting unique flavors.

Ink artist activates the motion of strokes to echo predecessor master’s brushwork spirit

2023-12-25 14:57

Shitao, the great monk artist who lived in the 17th and 18th centuries, asserted that the brushwork of ink should address ever-changing social demands, and throughout centuries, that principle has been guiding artists to renew the presentations of ink and keep the tradition alive in modern times.

Living Heritage: Chinese calligraphy

2023-12-25 11:23

Where there is Chinese language, there is Chinese calligraphy, and where there is calligraphy, there is beauty. The artistry is still highly valued today, for it is more than just writing, it is a living heritage.

Concert of traditional Chinese music staged in Beijing

2023-12-25 11:22

A new year concert, gathering traditional Chinese musicians, was staged at the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing on Dec 22.

Yuan Dynasty poems and tales highlighted in children's theater play

2023-12-25 11:07

The Secrets of Yuanqu, a Chinese children play, was staged in Beijing.

Conference focusing on dynamics of cities

2023-12-25 11:03

The 2023 Dynamic City Conference, organized by China Newsweek, was held in Beijing on Friday to explore the dynamism in cities and discuss strategies for high-quality urban development under the theme "New Dynamics, New Vitality".

What's on

2023-12-25 08:04

Now the four alumni are jointly showing their works at Hatched From Guanghua Road, an exhibition running until Feb 29 at Tsinghua University Art Museum.

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