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Dance drama highlights contribution of noted architect

2024-01-03 16:19

An original Chinese dance drama, titled April Day On Earth, was staged by students and teachers of Beijing Dance Academy on Jan 1.

The air of fortune and majesty intensified at festive exhibition

2024-01-03 16:11

Welcoming the Loong Year, a folk art exhibition at the China Millennium Monument in Beijing, through to Sunday, gives a warmup of the upcoming Year of Dragon, beginning on Feb 10, the first day of the first month on Chinese lunar calendar.

Wuxi Symphony Orchestra debuts at New Year concert

2024-01-03 16:04

The Wuxi Symphony Orchestra presented its 2024 New Year Concert at the Wuxi Grand Theatre on the evening of Jan 1, marking the orchestra's official debut.

Comedy soars as box-office champion

2024-01-03 15:59

Consecutively for three days since the start of 2024, Johnny Keep Walking!, a satirical comedy, has secured the top position on the country's box-office charts, resonating with a wide young viewership due to its poignant exposure of workplace problems.

Award-winning film exhibited in South Korea

2024-01-03 15:54

Off the Stage, which won the Best Actress honor at the 36th Golden Rooster Awards, is planned to be released on the International Women's Day this year, according to the movie's director Qiao Liang.

Country's tourism market off to a robust start in 2024

2024-01-03 07:24

China's tourism market got off to a robust start in 2024, with the just-concluded New Year's Day holiday witnessing a surge in travel to domestic and overseas destinations, surpassing pre-pandemic levels in both visitor numbers and revenue.

TV show takes on a culinary journey

2024-01-02 15:59

Demonstrating such a thought that has influenced Chinese culture for thousands of years, Shi Yang Zhong Guo (Food Feeding China), a TV variety show, recently concluded the run of its first season on Beijing Satellite TV, amassing over 360 million views on related topics on the popular social platform, Sina Weibo.

Documentary film presents authentic facet of China

2024-01-02 15:58

This Is Life, a documentary film created by the Tsingying Film studio and distributed by film distribution platform Elemeet, is set to grace the nation's big screens on Jan 13.

TV series dives into the bustles of Shanghai in 1990s

2024-01-02 15:19

The long-awaited TV series Blossoms Shanghai has been released in two versions — Mandarin and the Shanghai dialect — on Dec 27, quickly soaring as one of the most popular dramas during the New Year's period.

Central Axis-themed exhibition hails beauty of order and balance

2024-01-02 15:14

A painting exhibition now ongoing at the China National Academy of Painting centers on the Central Axis' rich history and cultural legacies.

Art program Yuxun launched in Beijing

2024-01-02 15:03

A program focusing on innovative art creations was launched at the Beijing Arts and Crafts Museum in the capital city in late December.

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