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Experts find more from Xia Dynasty dig

2023-12-28 08:58

The remains of a palace and barns dating back about 4,000 years have been found at two important archaeological sites in Central China's Henan province, archaeologists said last week.

1,800-year-old documents provide intriguing insight into governance

2023-12-28 08:44

From house ruins and abandoned wells in Chenzhou, Hunan province, archaeologists recently unearthed a find of nearly 10,000 wooden slips used for recording various items from 1,800 years ago.

Aquaman makes waves at the box office

2023-12-28 08:36

Five years ago a scene featuring a long-haired man, wielding a trident, leaping from the jaws of a sea monster in a tumultuous sea, captivated audiences in thousands of theaters across the country.

Moving forward-themed exhibition kicks off in Beijing

2023-12-28 08:03

Two paintings with a dark empty background have caught the attention of visitors to the Songzhuang Contemporary Art Archive in Beijing since this month. They are works by Chinese artist Hang Chunhui, who says he wants to redefine relations between certainties and uncertainties.

Meeting plans route to boost tourism

2023-12-28 07:57

Government officials, experts and key participants in tourism met to discuss ways of stimulating domestic consumption in the sector in Ganzhou, Southeast China's Jiangxi province in early December.

A city where history is at home

2023-12-28 07:50

A city's name can often indicate its status in a nation's history.

The point of art

2023-12-28 07:45

Art reflects the time it was created and also the locality. The China Academy of Art, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, decided to delve into the historical and anthropological significance underlying the realm of art, extracting profound insights from each unique locale.

TV series has recipe for success

2023-12-27 15:03

For foreigners who fancy Chinese dishes, Kung Pao chicken is probably one of their most familiar and favorite delicacies. But few might know that the dish’s creator was a high-ranking official in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Shenzhen promotes industrial tourism

2023-12-27 13:53

The city of Shenzhen in Guangdong province is aiming to unlock the potential of its industrial tourism by introducing new tourist routes that enable visitors to explore the city's industrial history and advancements.

Shutterbug in Northeast China records growing winter sport popularity

2023-12-27 11:45

A skier was skimming across the slope before suddenly stopping with snowflakes stirred up. It happened within seconds, but the images had been recorded by a photographer not far away with a succession of shots.

Urban renewal brings a new lease of life to city's inefficient land

2023-12-27 09:16

Reconstruction of inefficient areas in Qingdao, Shandong province, is a key focus of the city's three-year urban renewal campaign launched at the beginning of 2022, local officials said.

Transport, parks and parking are top priorities

2023-12-27 09:12

Promoting construction of a park city, building an advanced transport system and expanding parking facilities are key elements of Qingdao's three-year action plan regarding urban renewal and reconstruction.

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