Exhibition displays how revolutionary times saw a global currency emerge from humble beginnings.
Although he is one of China's best-known pop stars, Liu Huan manages to keep a low profile away from the entertainment scene.
Kashgar's 2,000-year-old neighborhoods host legends that lurk in its backstreets and traditions that pave its main avenues.
With a pen and a small knife, Du Wanli, 64, brings life to fallen leaves by carving them into different shapes.
The dance drama "Confucius" will be among the virtual activities at the 49th edition of the International Cervantino Festival.
In valleys filled with thick vegetation, different-sized circular and rectangular buildings with faded yellow clay walls lie scattered in mountainous villages in Longyan, Fujian province.
ROME-Florence's Uffizi Galleries, internationally recognized as home to one of the world's greatest art collections, is getting a lot bigger-geographically.
Tibetan students draw praise for their production of one of Shakespeare's most famous plays.
If China's first emperor, Qinshihuang of the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC), were still alive, he might notice that some elements of his underground army have left their Terracotta Warrior comrades this week.
Seats were fully booked weeks before The Dakini Code: Lotus-Born Master and the Event Horizon's sneak previews ran at the Auspicious Thanka Gallery in Beijing's 798 Art Zone from April 25-26.
The list includes a 24-hour bookstore with books of various categories, a bookshop with modern interior design and a reading area for children, and one with fantastic views out its windows.