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Toying with an idea for the elderly

2021-01-21 07:27

Shop sells games and gadgets to members of the older population with a sense of fun.

SHCAT to roar back to life in 2021

2021-01-15 10:36

The Shanghai Children's Art Theater plans to present 31 productions this year, which marks its seventh performance season, the theater announced on Jan 5.

As storied as it is luxurious

2021-01-15 10:32

A new exhibition in Shanghai tells of the history of silk and its journey through the world.

Beijingers warm to ice skating

2021-01-15 07:20

Countless children growing up in Beijing enjoy ice skating in winter, with the sport well established as a seasonal tradition.

Study finds 'you' in text resonates with readers

2021-01-13 10:10

A study by researchers at the University of Michigan shows that a linguistic device, the use of "you" generically to make an idea seem more universal, has a hand in making ideas resonate.

A specialist in her aria

2021-01-13 07:50

Wang Jing is among a dedicated group of theater performers determined to help the Pingju Opera art form thrive in the modern era

A 'read-only' installation goes viral

2021-01-08 10:36

A pop-up installation that looked like a bookstore in Shanghai recently drew much attention because of its unusual offering.

More than books

2021-01-08 07:38

Bookworms in Shanghai have much to celebrate after a challenging 2020, with three prominent brands opening new lifestyle bookstores in December.

Breaking new ground

2021-01-07 07:44

The only all-female team of archaeologists in the west of China is unlocking mysteries of the past, while forging a path into the once male-dominated field for future generations of women to follow.

Translating special displays into items for everyday use

2021-01-07 07:34

A growing number of Chinese museums are interpreting their exhibits to develop cultural and creative products in versatile ways.

Director gives new life to deadly play by Camus

2021-01-05 10:41

Le Malentendu, or The Misunderstanding, is a play written by French writer Albert Camus (1913-1960) in 1943.

Chinese artists add more spice to US musical melting pot

2021-01-05 10:31

My daily commute to work in my previous home of Las Vegas, Nevada, used to go something like this.

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