Adam Young, better known by his stage name, Owl City, has swept the world with his electronic and melodic tunes ever since he emerged as a one-man band from the basement of his parents' house in a small town in Minnesota, the United States in 2007.
Zhang Huoding, a veteran yet low-profile Peking Opera artist, will perform at the closing ceremony of Meet in Beijing Arts Festival.
Chinese artist Huang Yue's personal exhibition opened at the Chongqing World Financial Centre in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality on April 28, 2015.
Capital Museum opens one of its exhibition halls to display of some of the world's finest watches. Wang Kaihao takes a look.
Patty Hudak in China, a retrospective of her work produced in the past seven years is now on exhibition at Being 3 Gallery.
An exhibition at the National Museum of China gives a comprehensive reflection on 98-year-old scholar Jao Tsung-I's academic and artistic achievements.
Chinese artist Ai Jing will hold her exhibition, Dialogues, at the Ambrosian Art Gallery of the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana Museum in Milan, Italy. The exhibition will be held from June 5 to Sep 5 this year.
Noted scholar Wen Huaisha celebrates his 105th birthday with a calligraphy exhibition at the National Museum of China.
Zhao Xu, the son of the noted ink-and-water painter Zhao Zhunwang, is better known as the head of Beijing Poly International Auction.
A major annual event that seeks to promote the exchange of ideas among Chinese and foreign students of cinema, kicked off in Beijing on May 4, said a statement by the organizers.
Art Beijing not only displays works by established artists, but also puts emerging talents in the spotlight and attracts new buyers.
For more than two decades, Chen Wei has devoted a lot of her time to Chinese opera.