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Updated: 2020-08-24 07:36:43

( China Daily )

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The art of awareness


An increasing number of designers these days attempt to address global environmental issues by recycling objects and using materials that are biodegradable to create their works. Some of these designs are on show at Disruptive Matter. The exhibition teams up 18 designers and design groups from across the world whose thought-provoking creations seek to open up a dialogue with the public about how to build a much more sustainable future against a worsening climate crisis. The pieces show the latest development in materials and biotechnologies, and examine possible solutions to the balancing of people's needs and a sustainable world with little waste.

10 am-6:30 pm, last entrance at 6 pm, daily through Nov 8. chi K11 art space, 4F Shenyang K11 Art Mall, 2A No 1, Expo Road, Heping district, Shenyang, Liaoning province. 024-8251-6200.

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