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Updated: 2014-12-05 11:23:21

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The Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China

The Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation is in charge of foreign affairs in cultural work and cultural exchanges with the HKSAR, Macao and Taiwan; making policies and regulations for this work; signing cultural cooperation agreement between China and foreign countries and carrying out annual executive plan and plans for cultural exchange programs; conducting liaison work with Cultural department under Chinese embassies abroad; instructing the work of cultural institutions in the HKSAR and Macao; and publicity work to foreign countries.

Contact information about the Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation


Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China

Ministry of Culture and Tourism is established as a department under the State Council responsible for the administration of China’s cultural and artistic affairs.

The main responsibilities of the ministry are: making guidelines for cultural and art-related policies and principles, drafting cultural and art-related laws and regulations; guiding the reform of cultural system, administrating cultural and artistic industry, directing the artistic creation and production, supporting representative, model and experimental arts and cultural works, administrating national important cultural activities, responsible for the planning and guidance of the construction of national key cultural facilities, making guidelines for cultural market development plans, guiding comprehensive law enforcement in cultural markets, exercising supervision over cultural and art-related commercial operations, as well as supervising the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

Contact information about more departments under the China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism



























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