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Forum shines on roles of museum in national unity and ethnic cultures

Updated: 2024-05-20 14:59 ( chinadaily.com.cn )
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A delegate from the University of International Bushiness and Economics shares at the forum their experiences of promoting cultural heritage via campus activities. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Since its opening in 1959, the Cultural Palace of Nationalities that sits on the Chang'an Avenue has been a place to show the vibrancy of ethnic cultures and to unite people in the country.

A recent forum held at the venue was attended by scholars at museums, university and academic institutions around the country, some via online, who shared their studies of the roles of museum in protecting and preserving ethnic cultures and traditions.

Among them, 10 young scholars gave speeches that encourage the younger generation to contribute to the development of museums and research of ethnic cultures, especially in the regions inhabited by ethnic groups.

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