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White Paper on sleep disorders presented at Beijing seminar

2016-05-26 15:19

Human beings spend one-third of their lives sleeping, and it is well known that a lack of sleep has serious effects on the brain's ability to function, thus affecting performance and productivity.

Yang Jiang: A woman's legacy through words

2016-05-26 14:57

Chinese writer Yang Jiang died at the age of 104 on Wednesday. Throughout her life, she penned 18 prose works, 9 novels, 3 plays, 3 essay collections and 4 Chinese translations of classic novels.

Outpouring of tributes at Yang Jiang's death

2016-05-26 11:00

WeChat and Weibo were flooded with tributes to the celebrated Chinese writer Yang Jiang who died at 105 in Beijing on May 25. Many people expressed their condolences about the death of Yang by posting Yang's photos and quotations on the internet.

Preview of Christie's HK 2016 Spring Auction

2016-05-26 10:42

A preview of Christie's Hong Kong 2016 Spring Auction was held on Wednesday, with fascinating works of art on display.

Law to protect ancient villages in Lhasa

2016-05-26 10:30

Lhasa, capital of Southwest China's Tibet autonomous pegion, has passed a law to protect its ancient villages, authorities said Wednesday.

A family besieged now beloved

2016-05-26 10:07

Two individuals, each with a strong spirit but vulnerable heart, encountered each other, married and gave birth to a daughter. In their 60 years together the small family of three members went through war, political turmoil and illness in their repeated returns, but all the while they were always there for each other.

Moving up down under

2016-05-26 08:57

The Dalian Wanda Group-the new owner of Hoyts, Australia's second-largest cinema chain-aims to improve the viewing experiences of movie fans in Oz.

Chinese cinema focused on money

2016-05-26 08:20

Guru of cinematic writing Robert McKee says trying to be popular leads to bad work, Wang Kaihao reports.

Renowned writer Yang Jiang dies at age 104

2016-05-26 04:14

Chinese writer and translator Yang Jiang died early on Wednesday in Beijing at age 104.

Celebrated Chinese writer Yang Jiang dies at 105

2016-05-25 15:02

Famous Chinese writer, literary translator and foreign literature researcher Yang Jiang died at the age of 105 in Beijing Wednesday.

Lingnan-style paintings on show in Shanghai

2016-05-25 14:42

Besides his duty as the vice-president of China Artists Association, Xu Qinsong, 64, is an avid ink painter.

Kazak culture in full bloom in Emin of Xinjiang

2016-05-25 14:18

The large cultural event "Tacheng: the flower blooms" came to Emin county on Tuesday with a theme of "warm Tacheng".

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