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National intangible cultural heritage: fangcheng stone monkey

2016-04-14 14:31

The Fangcheng stone monkey is a traditional artwork of stone carving originated from the Yanshanpu Village since Song Dynasty (960-1279). It was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2008.

Nanjing to turn Ming Dynasty gate into park

2016-04-14 14:02

An aerial view of the ruins of the Tongji Gate in Nanjing City, capital of East China's Jiangsu province, April 13, 2016. The Tongji Gate was a remarkable boat-shaped structure built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

Drum and gong tournament held in China's Shanxi

2016-04-14 09:29

Actors from a drum troupe of Henan's Kaifeng city perform during a drum and gong tournament in Taiyuan, North China's Shanxi province, April 13, 2016.

Four years, 10 million cross-stiches to reproduce famous painting

2016-04-13 15:51

A cross-stich work based on the famous painting "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" is displayed in Changji city, Northwest China's Uygur autonomous region.

Craftswomen repair roof of Xizang monastery

2016-04-13 14:06

Craftswomen repair the roof of Meru Monastery in a traditional way which could date back to Tang Dynasty (618-907), in Lhasa, Southwest China's Xizang autonomous region, April 12, 2016.

Palace Museum stages peony flower-themed exhibition

2016-04-13 10:50

The Palace Museum in Beijing is awash in the colors of 10,000 peony flowers from Luoyang, part of a flower-themed collaborated exhibition between the museum and Luoyang city's government.

China values historical heritage protection for balanced, sustained growth

2016-04-13 09:44

Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged the government to strike a balance between the conservation of cultural relics and economic development.

China's first Andersen Awards winner:No house of straw

2016-04-13 09:35

Awarded for a top global literary honor, author Cao Wenxuan says China's transformation has provided its writers a wide range of topics.

Clock repairman at Palace Museum keeps history in time

2016-04-13 07:00

As the TV documentary, Masters in the Forbidden City, becomes popular among audiences, the highly skilled and smart behind-the-scenes masters are becoming young girls' "idols".

Traditional Chinese Wedding at Jinshanling Great Wall

2016-04-12 16:07

The 4th Jinshanling Great Wall Apricot Blossom Festival was held from April 8 to 11 in Chengde in North China's Hebei province, receiving a total of 15,000 tourists from home and abroad.

Fans line up in Shanghai to pose with postbox touched by pop star

2016-04-12 14:12

Sometimes it is rather remarkable how far fans would go for their favorite star, and Lu Han's fans are proving just that.

A lovely way to eat salmon

2016-04-12 13:43

Salmon seared with Pacific seaweed, pil pil of abalone and sea shrimps on smoked Chilean pepper.

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