At the beginning of 2017, a nine-minute short animation titled Love Sick engulfed the internet. Since its initial release on December 23, the animation has already reached 100 million hits within ten days on Chinese social media platforms, including, and Bilibili.
Canada Post has given Lunar New Year celebrants something to crow about: two Year of the Rooster stamps.
In many people's eyes, 23 year-old Chang Yangyang is unusual compared to his peers. He always stays at home, paints flowers, cuts paper and carries a small pair of scissors in his pocket wherever he goes.
Many Chinese poets say that this year will be special for them, a view echoed by Wang Guoqin, a poet and critic who said "poetry is the light ahead in the dark tunnel of my life", after receiving the Creation Award of the Year at the Third Spring Festival Poetry Gala for his book Talking About Poetry From Zhishi Studio.
As the Spring Festival is coming, McDonald's has launched a new menu featuring elements inspired by Chinese royal names.
It's time to make our New Year's resolutions-but how many of us will follow through? Xing Yi asked a group of students about their hopes for 2017.
Here are 10 cultural relics from the Palace Museum that bear the ten most popular colors for this year.
China Post Group Co will release a new set of rooster-themed stamps to celebrate the Year of the Rooster based on the Chinese zodiac.
China's garden city has long lured travelers with its historical horticulture and crisscrossing canals. But visitors who stay three days discover more than Suzhou's numerous nicknames suggest. Erik Nilsson explores the metropolis.
This is a documentary about the Miao village and the soul instrument of the Miao ethnic group - lusheng.
Premier Li Keqiang called for traditional Chinese medicine producers on Tuesday, during a visit to Yunnan province, to introduce advanced methods from developed economies to make diversified products and improve people's health.
Students from the School of Life Science, Liaocheng University, volunteer to raise public awareness on environmental protection, calling for spending a cleaner, quieter and safer Spring Festival by lighting less fireworks, on Jan 14 at a local park in Liaocheng, Shandong province.