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TCM is just the tonic to stave off winter illnesses

2021-11-18 08:16

Traditional Chinese medicine theories emphasize the importance of prevention over cure, thus, finding remedies to strengthen the body during winter has proved an effective method for urban dwellers to keep themselves safe from the season's illnesses, especially taking into consideration their busy city lives.

Hide and Ski

2021-11-18 08:15

Ancient fur-covered footwear enjoys a revival in Xinjiang as nation's interest in snow sports ramps up, Xing Wen and Mao Weihua report in Urumqi.

Framing a new journey

2021-11-18 08:15

Exhibition brings together artists of the Chang'an school and their unique brushwork, Lin Qi reports.

Dancing in step with history

2021-11-18 08:14

Masterpieces, from paintings to bronze wares, brought to life through the performing arts, Wang Kaihao reports.

Practice makes perfect

2021-11-17 08:01

Reality show's latest installment sheds light on the trials and tribulations of medical students transitioning from classroom to clinic, Wang Kaihao reports.

University programs aim to drive advances in healthcare industry

2021-11-17 07:58

Savannah College of Art and Design, a private nonprofit university founded in 1978, is cultivating talented students for professional careers in multiple growing industries. Due to SCAD's cutting-edge resources and forward-looking vision, they include the healthcare profession.

A key to music of the past

2021-11-17 07:57

Pianist seeks to revive the soft appeal of the fortepiano, Chen Nan reports.

Virtually real

2021-11-17 07:56

Digital avatars are enjoying an explosion in popularity, especially among the younger generation, Deng Zhangyu reports.

A man of character

2021-11-16 08:13

Fascination with the history of Chinese language has been a driving ambition, Wang Linyan reports.

Natural attraction

2021-11-16 08:13

Tourists flock to a mountainous region of Sichuan to witness the riot of color caused by late autumn leaves, report Huang Zhiling and Pan Zhongming in Chengdu.

Welcome to the jungle

2021-11-16 08:11

Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt, the lead pair of a new Hollywood film that is screening in China, share their experiences of the production, Xu Fan reports.

Hitting the right note

2021-11-15 07:56

Young musician's mastery of the French horn is attracting worldwide attention, Chen Nan reports.

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