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Charm of the intangible cultural heritages displayed in BFA

2022-04-24 11:11

Charm of the intangible cultural heritages displayed in BFA

World's fascinating libraries to mark World Book Day

2022-04-22 10:22

World Book Day, also known as World Book and Copyright Day, is an annual event organized by the UNESCO to promote reading, publishing and copyright. The first World Book Day was celebrated on April 23 in 1995, and continues to be recognized on that day. As the day is coming, let’s take a look at the world’s fascinating libraries and enjoy the fun of reading.

Ancient lacquer craft preserved by Fuzhou artisan

2022-04-21 16:05

A lacquer artisan in Fuzhou, Fujian province, hopes to carry forward the city's traditional technology and culture of bodiless lacquerware through persistence and innovation.

Sea of flowers attracts visitors in Beijing

2022-04-20 10:59

Sea of flowers attracts visitors in Beijing

China’s first archaeological museum completed

2022-04-19 15:33

An opening ceremony for Shaanxi Archaeological Museum was held on April 16, in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province.

UN Chinese Language Day celebrated in Turkey

2022-04-18 11:04

The Turkey-China Cultural Association, a large Chinese teaching institution in Turkey, held some events in Istanbul to celebrate UN Chinese Language Day on April 17. Many local teenagers are learning Chinese and Chinese culture online and offline through the association.

A celebration of traditional music

2022-04-16 09:55

Recognizing the rising popularity of traditional music, which has been winning a growing fan base among Chinese audiences, especially young people, the National Center for the Performing Arts has launched a festival, Spring of Traditional Chinese Music.

An iconic arena that's nestled in northern Beijing

2022-04-15 09:20

It was hazy, the kind of day that gave a hint of the warmth to come when summer reaches its height in the coming weeks.

School of thought

2022-04-15 09:08

NGO is taking a more considered, innovative and relevant approach to education in rural China, Fang Aiqing reports.

Pioneering approach marks 40 years of success

2022-04-15 08:58

The 40th anniversary of the reestablishment of Peking University's sociology department, ranked 23rd on QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022, was marked on Saturday. The department comes second in Asia on the ranking, following the National University of Singapore.

Understanding society

2022-04-15 08:51

Peking University's sociology department is carrying on with a spirit of inquiry after four decades of development, Fang Aiqing reports.

Photographer captures improving Yellow River environment

2022-04-15 08:16

For more than a decade, bird photographer Yue Changhong has traveled over 180,000 kilometers and captured in excess of 500,000 images.

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