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German artist shows his own version of newsworthy impressionism

2022-07-22 08:31

The exhibition Thomas Demand: The Stutter of History, which is taking place at UCCA Edge in Shanghai from July 8 to Sept 4, is the German conceptual artist's first retrospective exhibition in China, and it is leaving an indelible impression on visitors with, among other displays, an installation featuring cherry blossoms made of paper.

Picture-perfect career

2022-07-22 08:18

Celebrated children's book illustrator Cai Gao, adored at home and abroad, draws inspiration for her creations from childhood, country life and travel anecdotes, Wang Ru reports.

Ruins help build an image of the past

2022-07-21 07:44

The Great Wall of China, spanning a distance of more than 21,000 kilometers, is a marvel of China's ancient past and justifiably counted among the "new" Seven Wonders of the World. Passing through every landscape the country has to offer, mountains, deserts, plains, even lakes, raising a structure of this magnitude would be a challenge even today. Living in Beijing, I am lucky enough to have some of the most interesting and challenging sections of the wall just a short journey away, and last weekend, I took a trip to one of these.

Fostering a family spirit for those less fortunate

2022-07-21 07:43

When Cao Guozheng told Wang Bingneng that orphans and children that had physical challenges were fostered in his village for a monthly remuneration of only 316 yuan ($47), Wang could not believe his ears and thought Cao was playing a trick.

Singing the notes

2022-07-21 07:42

New Gezai Opera show is based on letters of remittance sent by overseas Chinese during the 19th and 20th centuries, Chen Nan reports.

What lies beneath

2022-07-21 07:42

Archaeologists unearth details about glory of an ancient metropolis and strive to get a clearer idea of the colossal site's place in history, Wang Kaihao reports.

Capital to host master’s class

2022-07-20 06:45

Piano virtuoso Lang Lang announces collaboration with the NCPA to establish a Beijing branch of his music school, Chen Nan reports.

Reviving rustic rhythm

2022-07-20 06:43

A Shandong music teacher is mixing traditional compositions with modern techniques to popularize the folk art of clapper talk among youngsters, Zhang Lei reports.

Ancient tombs unearthed in Hunan

2022-07-19 07:46

Fourteen tombs dating back to between the Eastern Han (25-220) and the Tang (618-907) dynasties have been found in Central China's Hunan province.

A brush with tradition

2022-07-19 07:45

Artist is determined to protect kangweihua, a unique style of painting from her hometown in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, Chen Nan in Beijing and Hu Dongmei in Yinchuan report.

Frisbees catching public attention

2022-07-19 07:44

Disc-throwing sport is growing in popularity, not least because of its non-contact and social aspects, Yang Feiyue reports.

Chilies help make ties a hot success story

2022-07-18 09:06

Gently spin a globe and one would easily find the Tropic of Cancer, a beautiful arc that runs through a dozen countries including China and Mexico.

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