His first adaptation was a one-man show based on the writer's novel Wo Zhe Yibiezi (The Life of Mine), which tells the sad story of a low-rank policeman in Beijing in the early 20th century. It was a big success when it premiered in Beijing.
His other adaptations include Er Ma (Mr Ma and Son), which draws largely on Lao She's experience when he taught Mandarin at the University of London from 1924 to 1929; Lao She's Six Stories, based on six short stories written between 1934 and 1935; and Niu Tianci Zhuan (The Story of Niu Tianci), which was written in 1934.
"The greatness of Lao She's writing lies in his deep understanding and portrayal of human nature," says Fang.
"The characters in his works remind me of my hutong neighbors when I was a child. They are so ordinary, vivid and real, which is fascinating to me," says Fang, noting that it will be the 57th anniversary of Lao She's death on Aug 24.
Contact the writer at chennan@chinadaily.com.cn