Lin doesn't see himself in a career as a trader after the task, even though he achieved good results. He thinks that the job is more suited to people who like to deal with massive data sets and that doesn't really interest him in the long term.
"The experience is interesting and new, but I see myself more suitable for investment," he says.
Having finished his bachelor's degree in law from Peking University, Lin gradually found his interest in investment through several internship experiences in law firms, private equities companies and investment banks.
"Working in investment satisfies one's curiosity and the people you are meeting are all top talents in different industries. Not only are they smart and easy to communicate with, but also they can help me, as an outsider, to quickly understand a new industry," Lin says.
To find an ideal job after college, a person has to start early, trying different internships as soon as they are enrolled in college to find a career that interests them, Lin says.
"The difference between college and high school is that, in high school, the core is study and the schedule is set by your teachers, while in college, you have to plan your schedule on your own, and select courses by yourself. You need to talk to more people and try harder to discover your career focus," Lin says.
Su Junxin, 24, another of the four who received an offer, also has his eye on becoming a successful investor.
Su studied electronic and electrical engineering at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore with a full scholarship from 2015-19.
After one year of work, he went back to campus-this time he chose to study a master's degree in finance at the University of Singapore in 2020.
Su says all of the tasks in the show are very close to a real workplace experience, especially the need to finish them in a short period of time, which is quite challenging for all interns.
"I noticed the cameras on the interview day, because walking into the conference room, there were many of them. However, as soon as we started to do our work, we barely had time to care if we looked good on camera or not," Su recalls.