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Breaking down the fourth wall

Updated: 2024-06-26 06:28 ( China Daily )
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Artistic freedom in theater

In Zhang's opinion, the audience is simply expressing what they want through theater. Resonance occurs as spectators watch the actors; whatever lesson or emotion the audience takes home is entirely up to them.

"Growing up doing all kinds of reading comprehension tests was really painful, so I reject the idea that only one interpretation is considered correct," Zhang said.

Li Yu, 32, also a theater director, agrees. He believes theater is one of the most inclusive art forms.

"Everyone has the liberty to express and create what they love. This diversity is what makes theater so captivating. That's also why we've chosen this medium of expression," he said, adding that the audience also has the freedom to interpret what unfolds on stage.

One example is Ye Xing Ji (Traveling at Night), a current collaboration between Li Yu and director Zhao Jieyu. They describe it as a "black box small theater" production, featuring minimalistic settings — a square dark room. However, some audience members would classify it as immersive theater.

"They found it to be a fascinating experience, stating 'for the first time ever, both the audience and the stage were in the dark'," said Zhao, 29. "The atmosphere we created using multimedia and real-time shooting made the play more convincing, which led the audience to momentarily forget they were watching a theatrical performance."

According to Zhang, audiences update their preferences for theater experimentation every 5 to 10 years. "If you want to keep your plays vibrant and popular, you need to be accepted and appreciated by the new batch of viewers. Another way is to stay young and creative yourself," he said.

Zhang believes that one of the reasons that immersive plays are gaining popularity is that more and more young people are coming to the theater. Another reason is that many drama enthusiasts are no longer satisfied with traditional plays.

For Li Huiling, immersive plays like the Detective Zhao Gan'e series enhance user engagement.

"There are many things that you can no longer see in 2024, but they can be brought back to life on stage, surrounding you. Immersive dramas have this special energy," she said.

"I appreciate all beautiful things, but when I watch an immersive play, the satisfaction and emotional value can't be replaced by having a nice meal or buying something I like."

For Li Chenhui, theater, especially the immersive kind, carries immense emotional value as an actor.

"The entire process of drama — from preparation to each performance — brings me joy," he said. "Through theater, all negative emotions in my life are processed, leaving me happy and worry-free when I return home."

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