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Weaving Hainan

2017-01-18 09:59

The women and girls in the village share the same objective of keeping the tradition of Li brocade alive.

Encouraging song provides release from family pressures during Spring Festival

2017-01-18 09:38

Now, a special song has been tailor-made for this group. After the popularity of the So Far, the Sofa is So Far in the past year, Shanghai Rainbow Indoor Chorus has released another song called What I Do is for Your Own Good on January 17.

Building understanding

2017-01-18 07:57

A Chinese architect returns to her homeland to discover the spirit of its vernacular architecture.

Nobel winner launches prize

2017-01-18 07:35

China's first Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine, Tu Youyou, celebrated her 86th birthday by signing an official agreement to donate 1 million yuan ($144,900) to establish the Peking University Tu Youyou Talent Award Foundation.

Singing for the world proves worth the effort

2017-01-18 07:30

Many Chinese pop singers are polishing their English-language skills to speak-and sing-to a global audience.

Beijing's Qianmen area hosts intangible heritage exhibition

2017-01-17 17:25

A week-long exhibition on China's national-level intangible cultural heritage kicked off on Jan 14 at Yun Space of Beijing's historical Qianmen area.

Study rates most influential satellite TV

2017-01-17 16:18

Hunan TV, Zhejiang TV, Shanghai-based Dragon TV, Jiangsu TV, and Beijing TV were China's five most influential province-level satellite TV stations in 2016, a recent study shows.

Promising year ahead for online variety shows

2017-01-17 16:14

Though online variety shows were widely expected to dominate in the Chinese market in 2016, recent research shows that TV variety shows were more prominent last year.

Book captures scenes behind CCTV business documentary

2017-01-17 16:10

A book based on China Central Television documentary A Biz Date with the World hit the shelves in China on Jan 12.

Quanjude Group offers new Spring Festival gift packages

2017-01-17 16:05

With the Spring Festival approaching, the Quanjude Group, which owns the Quanjude, Fengzeyuan, the Sichuan Restaurant, and the Fangshan Restaurant brands, has launched a new series of gift packages targeted at people heading home for the holiday.

Age, height education: Trinity of China's matchmaking market

2017-01-17 15:41

"Age, Height, Education" provides an insight into the importance of a "good" marriage in Chinese society. How does a child’s age, height, education and hometown influence the decision?

My love - Li sister

2017-01-17 15:39

Old Li tradition of marriage proposal.

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