Birth of New China, a large Chinese ink painting, was recently added to the collection of National Museum of China and will be on permanent display at the museum in Beijing.
More than 300 items used by prehistoric people in their daily life 4,000 years ago were unearthed in northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.
Local governments in East China's Anhui province are restoring several centuries-old pawn shops.
A piece of handwriting by Chinese great literary figure Lu Xun is going to be sold at Beijing Council's autumn auction on Friday, with an estimated price of 800,000 yuan ($125,096).
Actress Sun Li poses during a promotional photo shoot for her latest TV drama series The Legend of Miyue.
The Family, a Chinese classical novel from the early 1930s that speaks to the problems of Chinese living in those times, has returned to today's audiences in the form of a dance show.
What a difference 33 years make! The gathering for my college class that I attended a week ago was full of hugs and laughter, but more importantly, it was an embodiment of the dramatic changes that the country has witnessed in that time.
As his fingers run over the strings, we hear a thunderstorm and rain. When he whistles, you hear the wind. Horses run wild when he strikes his horseshoe-shaped percussion instrument, which has pairs of bells that dance to his touch.
As China gets increasingly urban, traditional villages are vanishing. A recent summit was held to explore ways to preserve the landscape.
The village is resided by the people of the Miao ethnic group who have kept their unique customs and culture dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties.
In addition to audience interaction and contemporary content, smaller theaters also have lower costs, creating room for innovation.
Performers of Dong ethnic group sing Ka Lau chorus, the big song of their distinguished folk vocal art, at a contest in Liping County, southwest China's Guizhou Province.