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Workshops bring earthy Mongolian arts to life

2015-11-30 08:13

As his fingers run over the strings, we hear a thunderstorm and rain. When he whistles, you hear the wind. Horses run wild when he strikes his horseshoe-shaped percussion instrument, which has pairs of bells that dance to his touch.

Summit explores ways to preserve traditional villages

2015-11-30 08:02

As China gets increasingly urban, traditional villages are vanishing. A recent summit was held to explore ways to preserve the landscape.

The last gunmen's tribe of Miao ethnic group in SW China

2015-11-29 18:02

The village is resided by the people of the Miao ethnic group who have kept their unique customs and culture dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Hutong theaters revive Beijing's drama scene

2015-11-29 12:30

In addition to audience interaction and contemporary content, smaller theaters also have lower costs, creating room for innovation.

Dong ethnic group singers sing Ka Lau chorus at contest

2015-11-28 17:07

Performers of Dong ethnic group sing Ka Lau chorus, the big song of their distinguished folk vocal art, at a contest in Liping County, southwest China's Guizhou Province.

Christie's Hong Kong 2015 autumn season opens

2015-11-28 15:06

Christie's Hong Kong 2015 autumn season opened on Friday with an estimated worth of about 3.1 billion Hong Kong dollars ($ 0.39 billion) of auction items.

Vanishing traditional weaving revived in Xizang

2015-11-28 14:27

Tsethang serge, considered the finest of all Tibetan traditional fabrics, has reemerged decades after disappearing from the market.

'Second child'up for 2015 Chinese character,word awards

2015-11-27 16:44

Voting for The Chinese Character and Chinese Word of the Year 2015 launched on Nov 20 in Beijing,and the final result will be announced on Dec 21.

Largest Chinese painting exhibited in Beijing

2015-11-27 15:08

A 4.8-meter-high and 17-meter-wide Chinese painting, drawn by Tang Yongli in three years, is the largest work of Chinese painting so far.

2,000-year-old tomb discovered in NW China

2015-11-27 14:04

An tomb dating back some 2,000 years has been found in Northwest China's Qinghai province, local authorities said Thursday.

Trees in Shanghai 'wear' sweaters for the winter

2015-11-27 13:44

Four plane trees on Nanchang Road in Shanghai became famous overnight with the colorful sweaters they "wear", Nov 25, 2015.

Buddha statue still not returned to China

2015-11-27 08:30

After eight months contact with the Dutch collector, the villagers of Yangchun in Fujian province failed to get back the mummy Buddha statue of Patriarch Zhanggong which was stolen in 1995 from the Puzhao Temple in their village.

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