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Palace Museum targets female gamers

2016-12-22 12:26

The Palace Museum in Beijing, noted for its creative cultural products, is collaborating with the dress up game Miracle Nikki, which is a popular game among females due to its exquisite costume elements.

Digital photo exhibition on China's Xizang kicks off in Bangkok

2016-12-22 10:38

A vivid photography exhibition on China's Xizang kicked off Wednesday in Bangkok, attracting many to admire the photos and to experience beautiful Tibetan scenery with virtual reality headsets.

Palace Museum to release 19,999-yuan mobile phone

2016-12-22 09:58

The Palace Museum is planning to release a 19,999-RMB ($2,878) mobile phone in collaboration with a Chinese phone maker. The phone is expected to be available at the end of January 2017, and only 999 units will be sold.

'Small target' among 2016's top Chinese words and phrases

2016-12-22 09:40

The year's top Chinese words, catchphrases and internet buzzwords were released jointly by National Language Monitor and Study Center, Commercial Press and People.cn in Beijing on Dec 20.

Traces of ancient homes discovered in Sichuan

2016-12-22 08:05

Archaeologists have discovered more than 3,500 ancient post holes on the Anning River Plain in Sichuan province.

Traditional hutong style to be restored

2016-12-22 08:02

Beijing will restore 1,500 hutong-narrow alleyways-to their traditional style over the next four years, the city management commission announced on Wednesday.

Guidelines approved for medical care, reform

2016-12-22 08:01

New guidelines to provide greater comprehensive medical care nationwide and to deepen reform to cover urban and rural residents alike with universal healthcare were approved on Wednesday by a State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Li Keqiang.

Behind the magic

2016-12-22 07:27

An exhibition unveils the secrets behind Oscar-winning special effects, Deng Zhangyu reports from Wuzhen, Zhejiang.

Kids with 'obesity gene' respond more strongly to fast food ads: study

2016-12-21 16:44

Children with a genetic risk for obesity respond more strongly to fast food television advertising in a brain region associated with reward processing.

Chinese characters and words representing 2016 announced

2016-12-21 14:28

China released its annual characters and words of 2016 on Tuesday, with 规(rule) and 小目标(small goal) winning out among the candidate characters and words.

Hip-hop promoter in China marks anniversary

2016-12-21 09:48

Hip-Hop Fusion, a Shenzhen-based company dedicated to promoting hip-hop culture in China, celebrated its 10th birthday at Beijing's Post Mountain Space, a live house venue in the capital recently.

China moves to form national youth orchestra

2016-12-21 07:16

The first national youth orchestra was founded in the United Kingdom in 1948. And the NYO of the United States started in 2013, as a project of Carnegie Hall.

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