The two screenwriters, Wang Huan and Weng Haixin, who are also a couple, say that the drama is not a hardcore medical series.
"Our aim was to depict doctors in a more relatable way. Once they take off their white coats, they are ordinary individuals with their own joys, sorrows, and life challenges," one of the couple says.
Based in Shanghai, the pair conducted eight months of intensive research in multiple hospitals around the city, observing the everyday lives of doctors.
"They would work tirelessly on a complex surgery, but after their shift, they would head to a small corner shop to chase away fatigue with a bowl of hot noodle soup. They are calm and decisive when facing patients, but can be playful and carefree at a colleague's birthday party," says Wang Huan.
"Shanghai's hospitals are a reflection of the city's spirit — combining world-class professionalism with the warmth and humanity of its communities," adds Weng.
During a hospital visit, the screenwriters overheard a casual conversation among the doctors. One mentioned that he was planning to run a marathon, which inspired the drama's marathon club setting.
"Hospitals have different clubs — coffee clubs, flower-arranging clubs, sports clubs — and there are quite a few doctors who run marathons," says Wang Huan.
"A surgery can take several hours, which places tremendous physical demands on doctors. That's why they need to stay physically fit."