She also says that she hopes to visit Baoji in Shaanxi province, as the city is home to the ancient site of Xiqi — the state from which the character of Ji Fa, who fights against a brutal tyrant in an epic battle over 3,000 years ago in Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force, comes.
Narnaash, an actress from the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, who plays the female general Deng Chanyu in Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force, suggests that people interested in the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th century-11th century BC) setting of the movie can visit the Henan Museum, the Yinxu Museum in Anyang, and Hebi, the city in Henan province, home to the ancient site of Zhaoge, capital of the Shang Dynasty.
The pivotal symbol of Commander Wen Zhong's Shi Jue Zhen, a powerful form of magic capable of slaughtering many people with light, is inspired by the character of chen (minister) inscribed on an oracle bone in one of the museums, she says.
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