More than 40 primary and middle school students utilized the Meihua boxing at Chongwen Street, Guanxian county of Shandong province on May 13.
They practiced the art form with panache under the instructions of Gao Zengyou, an inheritor of the martial art and owner of a Meihua boxing training center.
"The street authorities helped me to find the site, which is close to the downtown area and is convenient for transportation," Gao says.
A dozen of solar street lamps have also been installed, which make things easier for students to practice the art in the open air during nighttime.
Gao is one of the beneficiaries who engage in local intangible cultural heritage practices.
Liang Yunchao, an inheritor of the local opera Hamaweng, has been encouraged to integrate modern themes to the opera and deliver a series of new shows that prove popular among local residents.
More support will be given to rural culture development in the future and help realize rural vitalization, according to local authorities.