The 20-minute animation, The Three Monks, released in 1981, was a widely acclaimed production by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. The story revolves around the refusal of three Buddhist monks to share the responsibility of fetching water from a river down the mountain from where their temple is situated, and they end up having nothing to drink.
The animation won the Jury Prize Silver Bear for short film at the 32nd Berlin International Film Festival in 1982.
The Three Monks has been seen by generations of Chinese but few knew that the mastermind behind the three characters was Han Yu, a comic artist and painter based in Hebei province.
His talent brought Han wide recognition and numerous art prizes. In addition to that, the 90-year-old is noted for his discerning taste in classical Chinese ink paintings.
Han especially loves the art of Qi Baishi, one of China's preeminent 20th-century artists.