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Thangka masters modernize, revitalize traditional art form

Updated: 2020-10-09 07:18:08


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An artist works on a thangka at a cooperative in Gojo county, Tibet autonomous region.  PALDEN NYIMA/CHINA DAILY

Thangka artists in Gojo county of the Tibet autonomous region are painting their way to prosperity by incorporating fresh design elements into the traditional art form.

The county, located in eastern Tibet, is a hub for traditional Tibetan art forms, such as thangka painting, pottery, calligraphy and coppersmiths.

Thangka artists in Gojo mainly practice the Mansar style of Tibetan thangka painting, which originated in the 17th century.

According to the county government, Gojo has 11 thangka painting cooperatives and more than 200 artists. The total revenue generated by thangka painting in the county exceeded 10 million yuan ($1.46 million) in 2019.

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