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Why is Ne Zha making a huge splash?

Updated: 2019-07-30 11:00:47

( chinadaily.com.cn )

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Ne Zha's father, Li Jing, and mother, Lady Yin, in an official still from the animated feature Ne Zha [Photo/Mtime]

Contemporary values

The fact that the film can touch a chord with most audiences comes down to a key element – the contemporary values instilled in the film.

Ne Zha's fight against the prejudice mentioned above is the major value championed by the film. Meanwhile, his parents' patient and inspiring parenting is another aspect that many people regard as quite commendable and advisable for contemporary parents.

Li Jing, who was known as a stern and callous disciplinarian, is portrayed as a caring father who would sacrifice himself for the welfare of his son. His behavior and lines provide the main tear-jerking moments in the film.

The importance of parents' company during children's growth is also discussed in the film through Ne Zha's mother, Lady Yin, who is a working mom who finds time to care for and play with her isolated son.

Many critics commented that Ne Zha's parents can set modern parents pondering this question: When your child is alienated and misunderstood, how can you inspire them and guide them with love to find courage and confidence?

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