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Top 10 cultural events in 2014

2015-01-21 18:18

The year 2014 drifted away, leaving both joy and pain in the circle of culture. Now let’s pick ten of the most influential cultural events that happened in the past 12 months and refresh our memories together.

China's cultural voluntary service in 2015 to be put into place

2015-01-21 16:51

The Ministry of Culture and the Civilization Office of the Central Communist Party Committee made an announcement on the arrangement of cultural voluntary service this year.

Ten famous paintings of sheep

2015-01-21 16:37

As the Year of the Sheep, also called the Year of the Goat, is around the corner, why not appreciate 10 amazing paintings of sheep and goats at home and abroad?

Xi's book on Chinese Dream published in Bulgaria

2015-01-21 09:06

The Bulgarian version of Chinese President Xi Jinping's book, The Chinese Dream of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation, was published in the Balkan country on Monday.

Yearender: highlights in cultural exchange between China and the world in 2014

2015-01-20 15:07

The year 2014 witnessed frequent cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and regions. Let’s take a retrospective look at some of those exciting events.

Farmer breathes life into poems

2015-01-20 10:27

Poems of female farmer Yu Xiuhua, referred by Chinese netizens as China's Emily Dickinson, reflect not only her dark past but her longing for the future.

Voice of debate

2015-01-20 07:36

From the moment it was announced that Singaporean singer Kit Chan came in last in the debut of the third season of I Am a Singer, a popular celebrity singing reality contest by Hunan Satellite TV Station, a fierce debate stirred up online.

Culture Insider: 7 things you may not know about Major Cold

2015-01-20 07:09

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Major Cold (Chinese: 大寒), the 24th solar term, begins this year on Jan 20 and ends on Feb 4.

Yuan Dynasty fresco tomb excavated in Shaanxi

2015-01-19 13:23

Precious murals in a Yuan Dynasty tomb recently excavated are seen in Luogetai village, Gao town, Hengshan county, Yulin city in Shaanxi province, Jan 18, 2015.

Foreign students experience Qing-style wedding ceremony

2015-01-19 10:55

More than 100 foreign students from 26 countries experience a Qing-stylewedding ceremony in the Huizhou region on Jan 18, 2015.

Marco Polo proves a hit in US

2015-01-19 07:53

The success of Adventures of Marco Polo in the US is all the more remarkable given that it is performed by an obscure arts group from the Inner Mongolia.

Artistic metro stations in China

2015-01-19 06:55

Since their birth, subway stations have served as a vital platform to show the culture, tradition and style of a city or country. Here we take stock of some amazing, artistic metro stations in China.

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