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Box office demands out of the box

2016-06-01 07:56

It is the golden age for China's movie business-but success depends on a slew of ever-changing parameters

Children's toys in the Qing court

2016-05-31 16:50

Can you imagine what toys children in the Forbidden City played with one century ago?

Chinese 'little prince' and his fox

2016-05-31 16:37

Lu Mao,or Oamul Lu,a young illustrator who creats a fox named Feribo and healing pictures that warm many people.

Living in the past

2016-05-31 09:44

In a typically inspiring story, William Chak has evolved from an apprentice to a connoisseur.

Re-creating Beijing's glorious city wall and watchtowers

2016-05-31 08:05

A one-woman effort gets underway to re-create Beijing's glorious city wall and watchtowers that have long disappeared.

Making modern masterpieces

2016-05-31 07:48

Rongbaozhai-which means "a room with glorious treasures"-has been in the woodblock printing business for more than 100 years. And it specializes in reproducing the works of Chinese masters on a very small scale using very special techniques.

Children's Day: 10 films to watch with your kids

2016-05-31 06:40

International Children's Day is coming up on June 1. Here we have selected ten films from around the world that are most worthy for children to see.

Accordion museum born of man's love for its music

2016-05-30 14:40

The Tacheng Accordion Museum, which opened in December, is the only accordion museum in Xinjiang and the only one of its kind in the country.

Kunming festival shows growing following for yoga

2016-05-30 08:06

From young women in their 20s to grandmas in their 80s, thousands of yoga lovers from across China went to Kunming in Yunnan province on May 19 for the China India Yoga Festival, paying thousands of yuan to learn from 18 Indian yoga gurus at a four-day course.

Dou Jingtong: Star in the making

2016-05-30 07:35

Teen sensation Dou Jingtong is bringing the house down with her debut album Stone Cafe.

Dance dramatizes romantic verse of Tsangyang Gyatso

2016-05-27 15:31

The revised version of dance drama “Originates from the Love Poem of Tsangyang Gyatso” was staged in Gangca county in Qinghai province on May 26.

The first Sino-French Forum: A continuous effort of cultural communication

2016-05-27 11:00

Beijing hosted the first Sino-French Cultural Forum on Thursday, with Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong and former French Premier Jean-Pierre Raffarin making an appearance at the opening ceremony.

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