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89-year-old fisherman writes his own sea manual in Hainan

2016-06-21 11:04

Lu Yefa, 89, reads Geng Lu Bu, a local sea manual written in Hainan dialect, in Caotang village of Qionghai city in South China's Hainan province on June 14, 2016.

Mandarin fever in Uzbekistan

2016-06-21 10:44

During recent years, the friendship between China and Uzbekistan has deepened. The "mandarin fever" bridges communication between China and Uzbekistan.

Art show to celebrate 95th anniversary of the CPC

2016-06-20 15:49

A fine art exhibition now at the National Museum of China in Beijing celebrates the 95th anniversary of the founding of Communist Party of China.

Fathers depicted by famous Chinese painters

2016-06-19 09:00

Since ancient times, Chinese people have respect fathers a great deal. Many poems in China describe them as brave, hardworking and fearless as they face all challenges. Here are some of the awesome paintings.

Lang Lang brings the house down in Auckland

2016-06-17 17:53

World-class Chinese pianist Lang Lang gave a piano recital at the old and ornate Civic Theatre in Auckland, on June 12.

Fidel Castro exhibition held in Beijing

2016-06-17 17:36

A documentary photo exhibition on the Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro was held at the Capital Library of China in Beijing from June 14-16, to celebrate his 90th birthday on August 13 this year.

Mysterious world in children's paintings

2016-06-17 15:20

140 children's paintings were shown in the Beijing Exhibition Hall of Artists' Home on June 12.There is no judgment, but just an opportunity to open your mind and see what people and animals look like in these little creators' world.

China International Chorus Festival set for July

2016-06-16 16:19

The 13th China International Chorus Festival will be held from July 26 to August 1 in Beijing, with 238 choruses from 44 countries, as regions from around the world gather at the event.

'Beautiful China, Beautiful Poland' photo exhibition and book fair launch in Warsaw

2016-06-16 15:07

Titled "Beautiful China, Beautiful Poland", a photo exhibition featuring nature, people, culture and exchanges between China and Poland was unveiled in Warsaw, Poland on June 14.

Producer who kowtows for screenings

2016-06-16 07:51

A drama to save a cinematic work of art with little mass market appeal unfolded both on-screen and off-screen when a venerated producer pleaded for more screenings of the swan song of a master.

Dance opera Faxian shines in Beijing

2016-06-15 11:17

Dance opera Faxian debuted in Beijing on June 11, featuring the journey of famous monk Faxian, from the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420).The dance opera is a work inspired by China's Belt and Road Initiative.

Wu's next role offers more sex appeal

2016-06-15 08:23

Many fans are sighing over Daniel Wu's "ugliest" role in history in the film Warcraft, but they may find more to enjoy in his role in the upcoming sci-fi action Sky on Fire.

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