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Different strokes

2023-12-22 08:06

The landscapes and the lively scenes of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, a fine-tuned combination of the natural and man-made, traditional and modern, have provided a group of foreign artists lavish material for thinking and creating.

Social media stars get all revved up over Macao

2023-12-21 09:12

At the Macao Grand Prix Museum, Patrick Koellmer, a German well-known on Chinese social media, immersed himself in the VR experience of road racing.

Nation's tiger preservation efforts appear to be a roaring success story

2023-12-21 09:09

The zoology community is torn on why Africa has no tigers.

A growing friendship

2023-12-21 08:42

Two of the first few things about Nicaraguan Claudio Frixione that amaze his Chinese contacts are his birthplace and school.

Artist paints a picture of his times

2023-12-21 08:01

Yu Ding, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, recalls his first task after enrolling to study art history at the academy decades ago — he was assigned to interview Wei Qimei, an oil painter and professor of prominence at the school.

A cuisine that shows excellent taste

2023-12-21 07:49

Few places have such a reputation for dishing up creativity as Macao. You can taste the difference, literally, in the special administrative region of China.

International students discover the allure of wushu culture

2023-12-20 08:09

"I thought they were all special effects. How could someone fly in the sky and do all those moves?" said Emmanuel Kangwa, a 23-year-old student from Zambia, when he recalled the Shaolin wushu movies he saw as a kid.

Breathing new life into centuries-old pages

2023-12-20 07:53

Books are the most valuable intellectual wealth of humanity. However, there are myriad ancient Chinese classics suffering from different degrees of damage due to various reasons. This led to the emergence of the profession of ancient book restorers.

Leica Camera brings exhibition to photo festival in Xiamen

2023-12-19 15:49

With the 9th Jimei Arles International Photo Festival in full swing in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province, one of its exhibits has attracted much attention.

Grain plants the seed of possible early East-West exchanges

2023-12-19 08:12

From June to September this year, after a three-year suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese archaeologists eventually returned to Romania to conduct a second excavation at the Dobrovat ruins site in the northeast of the European country.

A world of harmony

2023-12-19 07:58

The China National Symphony Orchestra has announced its schedule for the new season. The selection of concerts and events will feature soloists from around the world and works by international composers.

The way we were

2023-12-19 07:47

As winter descends, the frozen Shichahai ice rink becomes a stage for young individuals gliding carefree across its surface. The profound contrast between the frigid ice and the passionate fervor of the young skaters creates a captivating tableau.

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