A variety show titled "Hangzhou is most memorable" staged during the G20 summit on Sunday night thrilled and entertained world state leaders and their spouses, as well as the public.
A group of Chinese ophthalmologists launched an over-two-year project on Sunday to help treat 1,000 patients with cataracts in Cambodia, officials said.
For Dipu and the neighboring Huanxi village, family ties take preference over all things.
Researchers at US Oregon State University (OSU) hope to build on latest findings about a protein and to create a new class of antibiotics.
A night on the town in Hangzhou presents a rich array of options. You can go partying at one of the trendy clubs or you can savor a moment of Zen tranquility at one of the traditionally deco-rated teahouses.
A recent visit to the China Fans Museum and the China Umbrellas Museum ignited a spark in me about the nature of these two traditional hand-held items. Fans are to keep one cool and umbrellas to prevent one from getting wet.
Teacher gives students unique hands-on experience with Bard's works.
State leaders and their spouses in Hangzhou for the G20 Summit enjoyed a feast for the eyes on Sunday night with a gala on the city's much-storied West Lake.
8-year-old Xu Ziqi is to perform Me and my motherland with renowned baritone Liao Changyong at the G20 Summit evening gala at West Lake tonight.
The third edition of the China Film Forum took place here at the 73rd Venice Film Festival on Friday, drawing many Chinese and Italian creative professionals of the film industry.
A care center in Hangzhou explores a new path for disadvantaged people toward self-reliance.