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Letting simplicity take center stage

2018-04-21 15:18

Foodies around the world are getting increasingly tired of newfangled cooking techniques and exaggerated culinary showmanship. Foams and jellies that encapsulate a variety of flavors are now passé.


A sublime fusion of culture on a plate

2018-04-21 14:57

Some people say that the fastest way to kill your hobby is to turn it into work.


Beautiful vision

2018-04-21 14:25

When it comes to makeup Mao Geping is a legend. His magical technique transformed actress Liu Xiaoqing into the historical figure, Wu Zetian, in 1994. In the TV drama, Wu - played by Liu, then 40 - morphed from 15 to 82.


From school to Spielberg and back

2018-04-21 02:36

After three weeks on the big screen, Steven Spielberg's latest hit movie Ready Player One has collected $192.8 million from the China box office. It's expected to cross the $200 million mark there this week.


Veteran Chinese opera singer to perform in city

2018-04-21 00:21

One of the most acclaimed Chinese sopranos in the global music scene, Huang Ying will perform in a concert in her hometown of Shanghai at the Oriental Art Center on May 12.


Grain Rain: A final spring party with the peony, tea and rain

2018-04-20 16:28

Falling usually on or around April 20 every year, Guyu is the sixth of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar.


Chinese New Year short film contest unveils winning entries

2018-04-20 13:16

The Sharing China - Happy Chinese New Year Short Film Contest 2018 unveiled its winning entries in Beijing on Tuesday.


Two relics of Old Summer Palace handed back

2018-04-20 11:52

Two cultural relics that went missing from Old Summer Palace, former imperial resort during Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) in Beijing, were handed back from headquarters of the party central committee of Chinese Democratic League on Thursday.


National Ballet of China wins awards in DPRK

2018-04-20 09:45

The closing ceremony of the 31st April Spring Friendship Art Festival was held Tuesday in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


Co-produced movies better introduce China globally: report

2018-04-20 08:51

Film coproductions that tell Chinese stories with a global common interest receive better feedback from global audiences, according to a report published by the China Film Association Thursday.


Royal ballet of Cambodia to take center stage at Beijing arts festival

2018-04-19 16:37

Royal Ballet of Cambodia is expected to grace the stage in Beijing during the upcoming Meet in Beijing Arts Festival. It will also be part of the cultural events marking the 60th anniversary of China-Cambodia ties.


Chinese producer, Singaporean artist capture sound of Himalaya

2018-04-19 16:05

Chinese music producer Ye Yunchuan alongside Gao Yang, a Singaporean composer and recording artist, spent three years searching throughout Asia for the musicians to fuse music from different regions and cultures to bring the sounds of the snowy Himalayan highlands.

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