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Will you watch a movie based on dictionary?

2015-07-08 13:31

If you haven't heard Xinhua Dictionary yet, now is the time. There are plans to turn the dictionary into a movie, according to a report by People's Daily.

New market for lost cultural relics

2015-07-08 09:36

China's first market for buying back China's lost cultural relics overseas will be opened in Shunyi district by the end of this November.

Songs of place

2015-07-08 07:53

Wild Fire Music's tour showcases singer-songwriters inspired by the indigenous folk music of Taiwan, Chen Nan reports.

Chinese children's film faces Disney copycat accusations

2015-07-07 13:54

The Autobots, a Chinese animated children's film, is being labeled by Chinese netizens as a shameful copycat of Cars since it hit the cinema last Friday.

State of Yin's mind

2015-07-07 08:30

A Chinese artist puts his inner world on display through a series of sketches, Lin Qi reports.

Holding the roots

2015-07-07 07:44

The 67-year-old artist Luo Zhongli, whose 1980 painting Father is recognized as a landmark in modern Chinese art, was speaking in Shanghai on June 10 for the opening of his exhibition The Art of Luo Zhongli in the historic Ampire Building on the Bund.

The Palace Museum prepares for peak season

2015-07-06 14:41

The Palace Museum will limit the daily number of visitors to improve their experience during the upcoming summer holiday peak season.

Chen Kaige appointed dean of film academy in Shanghai

2015-07-06 14:33

Shanghai University marked the creation of its new film academy and the appointment of Chinese director Chen Kaige, Palme d'Or winner of the 1993 Cannes Film Festival, as its dean in a ceremony on July 5.

Beijing bans fakery in traditional rural architecture

2015-07-06 14:26

The Beijing municipal authorities have issued guidelines on the renovation of traditional buildings and structures in the countryside.

China urges Japan to face up to history

2015-07-06 14:25

China urged Japan to face up to its history and take measures to uphold dignity of forced labor victims after UNESCO's World Heritage Committee decided to inscribe Japan's controversial "Meiji Industrial Revolution Sites" into the World Heritage List.

Health authority advocates more fruit and vegetable

2015-07-06 13:51

China's health authority and All-China Journalists Association (ACJA) jointly kicked off a public campaign advising citizens to consume a quarter kilogram of fruits and half a kilo vegetables everyday.

China copyright society says film, TV theft frequent

2015-07-06 13:29

Plagiarism, unauthorized broadcasting, among other copyright theft cases, frequently take place in China's film and TV industry, the Copyright Society of China said on Sunday citing a recent seminar.

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