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Folk artists perform shadow play in SW China

2016-03-25 09:42

People watch shadow play in Fenbi township of Pingchang county, Bazhong city, Southwest China's Sichuan province, March 24, 2016.

Yearlong events to celebrate Tang Xianzu

2016-03-25 09:38

A series of cultural events have been planned to mark the 400th death anniversary of Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), a celebrated playwright, whom fans call "China's William Shakespeare".

In memory of a march

2016-03-25 09:17

The National Ballet of China will pay homage to the Red Army in April, as the 80th anniversary of the end of the Long March draws near.

Small group claws its way up

2016-03-25 08:39

Chinese Felid Conservation Alliance began building a camera-trapping network to monitor leopards in Shanxi province in 2008. Today, it says there are more than a dozen members of the species in the area.

Ancient Chinese 'Warriors' return to Bogota

2016-03-25 08:07

Terracotta Warrior models on exhibit in Bogota, Colombia, look so genuine that many visitors take them as the real ones in China.

Dying heritage gets a new lifeline online

2016-03-25 08:05

Thangka art, a traditional Buddhist painting form on cotton or silk done by Tibetans, is now being conserved in the virtual world.

Story of traditional Chinese steelyard craftsman

2016-03-24 16:27

With tools inherited from her father 26 years ago, steelyard maker Liu Guangcui(刘广翠) was busy setting scale marks, more than 200 in total, to a straight beam made of mahogany.

Exhibition captures rock-music history of Shenyang

2016-03-24 15:31

Rock music as a genre emerged in China during the 1980s, influenced by the West and bonded with tradition. Started by the iconic Beijing-based rock musician Cui Jian and his song Nothing to My Name, rock music soon experienced its heyday in China's big cities, especially in Beijing.

Folk artists and their leaf handicrafts

2016-03-24 14:21

Wu Xingming and his younger brother Wu Min display their leaf works in Fengshan village, Shuangsheng township, Bazhong city, Southwest China's Sichuan province, March 23, 2016.

Tea farmers celebrate harvest in Zhejiang

2016-03-24 13:40

Tea farmers perform dragon dance to celebrate harvest season at a Baicha green tea garden in Xilong township of Anji county, East China's Zhejiang province.

Historic Chinese porcelain collection given pride of place in hidden-gem gallery

2016-03-24 09:28

One of the most important collections in Europe of Chinese porcelain has been given a new home after a multi-million dollar facelift at a national museum near Liverpool.

Dicaprio on the spot

2016-03-24 08:36

The much-anticipated release of The Revenant on the Chinese mainland has not been without controversy, as Hollywood megastar Leonardo DiCaprio finds out.

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