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Buddhist forum talks of ways to usher in world peace

2016-07-29 07:35

At a meeting with the venerable Buddhist monk Jingkong, Malaysia's former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad once asked him if there would be peace in the world.

New campaign highlights risk of vision loss

2016-07-28 16:58

The China Association of Health Promotion and Education kicked off a charity program in Beijing on July 27 to raise people's awareness of macular degeneration, the third-leading cause of vision loss among seniors globally.

Ministry honors culture of Changsha

2016-07-28 16:56

Changsha, the capital of Central China's Hunan province, has been selected as the "2017 Culture City of East Asia", after a final round of meetings held by the Ministry of Culture in Beijing on July 25.

K-pop star to curate Sotheby's auction

2016-07-28 16:52

The age-old business of art auction is renewing itself by reaching out to the younger generation.

Renowned dictionary editor and translator Lu Gusun dies at 76

2016-07-28 16:49

Lu Gusun, professor at the College of Foreign Languages and Literatures of Fudan University and director of Shanghai Translation Association, passed away at Shanghai on July 28.

Wuhan gets new puppet show apprentices after 22 years

2016-07-28 16:16

After 22 years, a new batch of students is being recruited to study puppetry in Wuhai, Hubei province, this year. Aged 14 to 16, the students will spend three years learning the basics. The curriculum includes operas, dances and vocal music.

'So far, the sofa is so far' strikes a chord with overworked professionals

2016-07-28 14:29

This is a song called So far, the sofa is so far, meaning "I am worn out because of too much work" in Chinese, which has become a new internet hit overnight.

Microbiome disruptions may explain HIV-exposed babies' poor health: study

2016-07-28 14:28

HIV infection in mothers can disrupt the development of the gut microbiome of their HIV-uninfected babies, potentially explaining why these infants are more vulnerable to death and disease, a study suggested Wednesday.

Shaoxing 'wine ladies' to promote local specialty to younger generation

2016-07-28 14:16

Ten "wine ladies" were selected in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province to promote Shaoxing yellow wine, a local specialty.

Folk artist uses 4,400 cm of gold wire for enamel art

2016-07-28 11:04

Folk artist Li Haiming creates an enamel drawing of a classical Buddhist work at the Mogao Grottoes, known as "thousand-armed and thousand-eyed Avalokiteshvara", in Northwest China's Gansu province, July 26, 2016.

China to crack down on damage to Great Wall

2016-07-28 10:39

The State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH) will launch a campaign to crack down on criminal damage to the Great Wall.

Princess painting becomes new dance show

2016-07-28 07:19

Legends say that a Chinese princess secretly took the silk-making technology out of the country to her husband, the king of ancient Khotan.

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