Iron Maiden debuted on the Chinese mainland on Sunday, four decades after it was founded.
Despite the numerous parallels between William Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu, it's hard to mask their literary and cultural differences.
Lexi Walker, a 14-year-old blonde from Sandy, a city in the US state of Utah, made her first trip to China recently along with her parents.
For the 400th anniversary celebrations of the Bard's death, a flurry of activities in publishing, theater and films is taking place across China.
The town of Stratford-on-Avon in Britain and Fuzhou city in China have signed an agreement to become sister cities on April 22, as the hometowns of two great playwrights William Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu mark the 400th anniversary of their deaths.
Through the network of Confucius Institutes in the country, Colombians are joining those in other Latin American countries to celebrate the United Nation's Chinese Language Day on Wednesday.
Musicians from China play drums at the opening ceremony of the 4th International Festival for Drums and Traditional Art in Cairo, Egypt, April 19, 2016.
A rare collection of works of art from the Wu School of the Ming dynasty has gone on display in Washington DC.
American singer Jermaine Jackson has signed a deal to set up a studio in Shanghai, consisting of a theme park and art school in honor of his late brother Michael Jackson.
Egypt's capital Cairo hosted a four-day art exhibition that features abstract ink wash works of six Chinese contemporary female artists, an event meant to intensify cultural ties between the two nations.
A dancer of Chinese "Yabin Studio" performs during a dress rehearsal of "The Moon Opera" at the Palace of Arts in Budapest, Hungary, April 18, 2016.