As today marks the International Dance Day, we review the most classic Chinese dance dramas. Have you watched any of them?
Though e-books and online reading have gained popularity in recent years, the annual report on the reading habits of Chinese people last year showed that more were willing to pick up physical copies of books.
Inspired by touching moments in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, the music video Starlight pays tribute to medical workers and applauds the unity of humankind.
NANNING-Every Monday morning in Mentun village, locals gather in their rural library to share books and they are often joined by book lovers from nearby villages.
TAIYUAN-Four cat paw-shaped gold ornaments, currently on display in a museum in North China's Shanxi province, have become the latest sensation on Chinese social media.
Thanks to an advanced microscopy technique, scientists can now see what the coronavirus looks like at nanoscale and in 3D-swinging spike proteins like tentacles protrude from the virus surface to grab a human cell; RNA strands are tightly intertwined with proteins in the virus core.
PHNOM PENH-Choeng Senglim, a Cambodian medical student at a university in China, says she is thrilled to be able to help inoculate people in her home country against COVID-19 as Cambodia sees a spike in new cases.
Aspiring performers around the world aim to gain recognition for their talent at the industry's most prestigious contest, Chen Nan reports.
An online series focuses on talented children in different fields, Xing Wen reports.
Stories center on quest to collect folk songs, and highlight the unity of the various ethnic groups in the picturesque autonomous region, Wang Ru reports.
Dutch director Joris Ivens' enthusiasm for truth inspired him to travel thousands of miles to China in 1938, then engulfed in its fight against fascists, and risked his life recording gunfire, refugees and soldiers with his camera.
Crossing's significance in red lore has turned the area into a popular attraction, Huang Zhiling reports in Luding, Sichuan.