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Brotherhood connects varied artists

2015-12-22 08:09

Brotherhood, Manhood is a showcase of artworks by a group of Chinese artists, including Tong Zhengang, who were born in the 1960s.

Experiments with reality

2015-12-22 08:01

A Beijing gallery celebrates 10 years of adventures into the abstract, Chen Mengwei reports.

Chinese sheng plays the tune of harmony

2015-12-21 11:01

Chinese sheng performer Wu Tong will bring his sheng to Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center to show the sheng's harmonic possibilities at 2016 New Year's concert.

Star Trek lives long and prospers in Beijing

2015-12-17 09:12

Hundreds of fans of the classic US TV series Star Trek gathered at The Place, a shopping area in Beijing's CBD, on Saturday to give the Vulcan salute and welcome the spaceship Enterprise-D.

Creating a world of well-rounded folks

2015-12-15 09:18

Fernando Botero has been painting for decades now, but he views every new painting as "an adventure and a discovery".

Shanghai gets a glimpse of rare treasures

2015-12-15 07:33

Dunhuang is a small town surrounded by the Gobi desert in Northwest China's Gansu province. It is a Mecca for Buddhist art for many.

Tianjin hosts the 1st International Style of Ballroom Dance Championship

2015-12-13 16:35

The 1st China-Tianjin International Style of Ballroom Dance Championship was held over the weekend at Gegu gymnasium in Tianjin's Jinnan district.

Museum of Marquis Haihun's Tombs to be built in Jiangxi

2015-12-13 13:46

The Jiangxi provincial government has decided to build a large Museum of Royal Tombs of the Marquis of Haihun State of the Western Han Dynasty, with the aim of creating a world cultural park.

Kung Fu Panda 3 to make extra Mandarin-customized version

2015-12-13 10:24

DreamWorks' CEO has announced a surprise for Chinese fans by making a Mandarin customized version of Kung Fu Panda 3 on Friday.

China National Traditional Orchestra performs in the US

2015-12-13 10:13

Artists of China National Traditional Orchestra perform during the orchestra's debut to media at the Kennedy Center in the capital of the United States on Friday.

International media tour to Jiangxi kicks off

2015-12-13 09:52

More than 40 journalists from home and abroad are invited to a media tour to east China's Jiangxi province which starts from Dec.10 and ends on Dec.14.

The Chinese Culture Talks lecture on Chinese folk music in Washington DC

2015-12-12 08:44

A lecture on Chinese folk music was held at Yu Ying Charter School, Washington D.C. on Dec 10,introducing Chinese folk music and musical instruments for the students and teachers of the school.

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