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Bactrian bounty

2017-03-21 07:17

The three-month exhibition, Afghanistan: Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul, featuring artifacts from a legendary gold hoard, opens in Beijing's Palace Museum.

Paintings reveal progress of 3 artists in new show

2017-03-14 07:44

The opening exhibition of N3 Gallery, on a quiet street deep in Beijing's 798 Art Zone, is as simple and straightforward as its title, Three Men Exhibition.

Pictorial tribute to Dunhuang pioneer

2017-03-14 07:20

Copies of Chang Shana's works are now on show at her solo exhibition, Everlasting Beauty of Dunhuang, at Beijing's National Art Museum of China.

Play captures fading hutong life in Beijing

2017-03-09 09:40

Play Neighbors, adapted from award-winning writer Jing Yongming's novel Beijing Time, is being staged at Beijing's Chaoyang Culture Center Nine Theaters through March 12.

When photographs look like paintings

2017-03-07 08:26

The line between painting and photography has blurred in conceptual artist Fu Wenjun's works.

Treat for museum fans

2017-03-07 08:00

The much acclaimed exhibition, A History of the World in 100 Objects, is currently on at Beijing's National Museum of China.

Fado princess takes her art worldwide following stint as a busker

2017-03-04 07:19

One day in 1999, when Dona Rosa was singing in Rua Augusta, a pedestrian street in downtown Lisbon, she met the well-known Viennese artist and impresario Andre Heller.

Pu Shu prepares for new China tour

2017-03-03 10:34

Chinese singer-songwriter Pu Shu will launch a new tour if China in 2017, after his successful tour of the country in 2015.

When art gets a dose of generosity

2017-02-28 07:50

A selection of these paintings and calligraphic works from Zhejiang Art Museum is now on display at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing.

Exhibition shines the spotlight on urbanism

2017-02-28 07:50

In her two installations called I Love Heavy Metal, Beijing-based musician and artist Ai Jing interprets an Eastern philosophy that hardness can be complemented with softness in a harmonious way.

Renewing the past

2017-02-27 07:55

But to his surprise, after several rounds of interviews, Zhang found himself on the long list of candidates vying to study Kunqu Opera, an ancient Chinese theatrical art form.

Master's stroke

2017-02-21 07:43

In 1931, master painter Qi Baishi received an artwork from Lin Fengmian, a fellow artist and then-principal of the Hangzhou Fine Arts School (now the China Academy of Art) in the country's east.

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