Set in the Three Kingdoms period (220-280), the fictional story follows the dangerous missions of two spies who are sent to infiltrate the country that is in a conflict against their own. In keeping with Ma's signature style to a "logically conceiving an alternative history", exemplified by his previous hit The Longest Day in Chang'an to Luoyang, the new suspense story intriguingly merges unsung heroes' personal fates with the turbulent era, examining the complexity of humanity and the impermanence of life.
With veteran actors Chen Kun and Bai Yu to lead star as the two spies, the stellar cast also features Nie Yuan, Yin Zhusheng, Chang Yuan and Yang Ying.
Describing the tale like a "dive into a small portal to get into this splendid chapter of history", director Lu says he believes the costume drama will let the audience revisit ancient China through this thrilling tale and the charismatic and well-rounded characters.