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A Brief History of Dunhuang

In ancient times, Dunhuang was the center of trade between China and its western neighbors. Today, Dunhuang is a typical tourist city, clean and beautiful. Dunhuang City, an obvious pearl on the Silk Road, opens her arms to welcome tourists from all over the world.

An Introduction to Dunhuang

Dunhuang is an oasis on the eastern edge of Taklimakan Desert. In Chinese "Dun" means grandness and "Huang" means prosperity.

Historic and Scenic Spots
The Mogao Grottoes

The Mogao Grottoes contain Buddhist sculpture and frescoes from ten dynasties ending with the Tang.

· Crescent Moon Spring/Singing Sand Mountains
· The Han Dynasty Extends of the Great Wall
· Western Thousand-Buddha Cave
· The White Horse Pagoda
· The Ancient City of Dunhuang Movie Set
· The Dunhuang Museum
· Yangguan Pass
· Yumen Pass
Life in Dunhuang
The Religions in Dunhuang

In Dunhuang, many religious artifacts were also found, such as bronze crosses and linen fabric with texts from the Old Testament in Syrian language written by the Nestorian Christians.

· Buddha's Birthday Celebration
· "Shai Yaotui"
· "She huo" Festival
· Shopping in Dunhuang
· Dance Drama Celebrates Dunhuang Culture
· Dunhuang's Art
· Dunhuang Local Lifestyle
Special Products and Foods
Camel Hooves and Fried Hump

Besides an efficient mode of transportation, camel is also well-known for its hooves and humps as cherished delicacies in the northwest.

· The Liguang Almond
· Luminous Cups
· Craft Camel
· Dunhuang Yellow Noodles
· Dunhuang Rangpi
· Apricot Peel Water
Zhang Daqian

Chang Dai-chien have attached great importance to the protection of the Gogao Grottoes and have done much work on it.

· Li Chengxian

Largest Zhuang embroidery shines in Shanghai

Expo Anhui Week preparation into sprint period

Qinghai impresses Expo visitors

Key Words

Tea   West Lake   

Temple      Su Dongpo 


Fans   Embroidery

Garden     Fuzimiao

Zhonghua Gate

Nanjing Salted Duck

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