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Celebration for the 2nd anniversary of the China Cultural Center in Bangkok

Updated: 2014-12-02 15:13:25

( Chinaculture.org )

The China Cultural Center in Bangkok held an event to celebrate its 2nd anniversary on Nov 21. Wissanu KreaNgam, deputy premier of Thailand, Ning Fukui, Chinese ambassador to Thailand, Korn Dabbaransi, president of the Thai-Chinese Friendship Association and more than 400 representatives from both sides attended the ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony, KreaNgam said China Cultural Center in Bangkok is not only the pride of the Chinese government and people, but also the pride of the Thai people. During long-term friendly exchanges, Chinese culture has been integrated with the daily life of the royal family and the Thai people. The friendship between the two sides will be closer and the cultural center will be more prosperous.

Wissanu KreaNgam, deputy premier of Thailand, makes a speech. [Photo/culturalink.gov.cn]

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