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Nanyang Pokerwork: the Art of Fire

Updated: 2014-12-01 14:08:10

( Chinaculture.org )

Remove carbon build-up by wiping the nib across a piece of fine sandpaper.

7. To fill in the eye of the bird or any other subtly shaded area, switch to a very fine nib, turn the heat to low and gently work over the area several times, gradually building up the color and texture.

8. Use white watercolor to highlight some of the whitest feathers on the breast of the kookaburra and the flannel flowers; this will give an overall upgrade to your work.

9. Apply one coat of sanding sealer and allow it to dry. Lightly sand the surface with very fine sandpaper and wipe with a damp cloth.

10. If you intend to mount your finished piece, apply several coats of varnish, brushing each coat on a right angle to the previous one.

Use a photocopier to enlarge the kookaburra pattern to a desired size.

Tip: Although the pen's handle is insulated, it is a good idea to wear cotton gloves to protect your fingers from the heat, especially if you're working for an extended period of time.

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