2016年1月30号下午,由来自多伦多、渥太华和蒙特利尔将近千名华人华侨和当地乐队乐手,冒着极寒天气参加了首次在加拿大首都渥太华国会山前广场举行的迎接猴年春节的“快闪”活动。“快闪”活动中不仅呈现了秧歌, 踩高跷,招财进宝, 舞狮舞龙等大众中国元素, 也表演了《新长征路上的摇滚》, 《龙的传人》和《在希望的田野上》等新时代流行中国歌舞。而作为智慧象征,也是中国文化最具代表性符号的孔子, 还首次以Q版的形象出现, 吸引了众多族裔的游客参加, 体现了与日俱增的中国文化的影响力。
On January 30th, 2016, thousands of overseas Chinese and local bandsmen took part in the "Happy Chinese New Year" flash mob at Parliament Hill in freezing temperatures. There are lots of Chinese songs, dancing, Confucius dolls, mascots, dragon dance and lion dance performed at the flash mob. It's clearly that the activity brought some much needed warmth and color to the city of Ottawa.
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一位加拿大表演中国传统民俗踩高跷,招财进宝的演员和当地游客合影。[摄影:Hanhong Dan] |