Origin More
Double-Seventh Day (2010-08-09)

As China's Valentine's Day, the Double Seventh Festival is the most romantic one among all traditional Chinese festivals.

Double Seventh Day in Ancient Times (2010-08-11)

In ancient times, the Double-Seventh Day was a festival especially for young women.

To Meet or to Watch ---- the Stars, Vega and Altair (2010-08-11)

Will Vega meet Altair in the sky on the double seventh? Actually, it is 16 light years from Vega to Altair.

Legends More
Travel Choices More
·The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl
·Legend of Niu Lang and Zhi Nu
·Double Seventh Festival
·The Qiqiao Festival
·Lugu Lake
·Fairy Lake in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province
·Mount Sanqingshan
Folk Customs More
Proverbs & Poems More
·Customs About Double Seventh Festival
·Qiaoguo in Double Seventh Festival
·To Celebrate and to Pray
·Custom of Chinese Valentine's Day
·Classic Sentences for Love Ⅱ
·Fairy of the Magpie Bridge
·Love Poems of China--Tune of Hawthorn
·Love Poems of China--Farewell
  Pictures More
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