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Dedicated spirit keeps traditional opera alive

Updated: 2020-10-01 09:00:00

( China Daily )

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Zhongkui Jiamei sees Zhong Kui, a mythological demon killer, arrange his sister's marriage to ensure her happiness. [Photo provided to China Daily]

However, despite her retirement, Wei, who was the most prestigious performer in the troupe, still had to make over a dozen appearances on stage each month to fill the void.

"The troupe is struggling to make ends meet, and I had to rotate between several roles so that plays can continue," she said.

Wei was born into a family of Peking Opera performers in Jiangxi province and the family moved to the county when she was 16 at the invitation of local troupes. She was also one of the students of Li, the inheritor of the art form.

Li also lamented the fact that the opera is faced with a "crisis of inheriting and protection".

"Not too many people are enthusiastic about passing on the heritage to future generations. We must ensure that the essence of the art form can be preserved. To attain that, the actors start with training in basic skills," he said.

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